As a part of our community, we at RBK are always searching for ways give back wherever we can to local communities and initiatives.
Children are the heart and future of our communities. We are all tasked with taking care of sick and disabled children, helping them live a more enriched and happy life.
It is both our responsibility and obligation to maintain a secure future for our children, especially around health and childcare.

As a part of our community outreach, we have chosen to partner with The Princess Maxima Center. “The Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology wants to provide a cure and optimal quality of life for every child with cancer.“ As individuals in keeping with our company culture, we fully align with this cause.
We believe that advanced spiritual education, beyond the standard school syllabus, is an important part of our life-long learning. Understanding cultural traditions and how these are practiced, help us to define our identities in unique ways.
Maintaining our cultural traditions further enhances our characters as strong, passionate, and giving participants of larger communities, contributing positively to our vast multi-cultural societies.

One unique soul can be a major and dominant part of a broader society.
Our participation in local Village Shul activities serves to further the inclusion of spiritual education in our lives. Providing multi-cultural spirituality, and diversity is integral to the well-being and success of our communities.